Sunday, November 20, 2011

The List Goes On & On

Once again, another corrupt, greedy individual in a high paying job gets caught red handed in Connecticut. They've started to call the state Corrupticut and for good reason too!
Just when I think I won't be hearing or reading any more cases of corruption or greed in the leaders or boss of high ranked companies in the state of Connecticut, another article turns up in the paper or on the web discussing all the details an individual who thought they were above the law, got away with for years!

Who is running this state anyways? It seems like the Mafia is running this place lately. I see the lawyers who defend these corrupt individuals, too, oftentimes are of Italian descent. I'm not pointing fingers but it sure seems weird to me.
There are so many people getting away with committing herendous crimes yet the taxpayers are expected to follow EVERY law to the letter!
Well, that explains why the prices of property in the state in many areas is dropping like a rock! Who WANTS to live in such a callous, indifferent, reckless place where crooks are rewarded with righteous salaries for years & years, while the normal middle class is having a hard time getting by now?

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